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  2. Protection Class

Why can't I find a protection class for a property?

Learn why you aren't finding a protection class and what you can do to get the data you need.

Sometimes, a protection class (PC) is not available for a property. The three most common reasons are:

1. The address was incorrectly entered into Protection or PropertyEDGE.

2. The address is new and not yet in our system. 

3. You are looking for data for a property outside Washington state. We can only provide PC data for properties in Washington state. If you need data for property in another state, click here for more information.


In Protection, you'll see an error message saying "Address not found."


Cant find a protion class-p1

In PropertyEDGE, you will see only part of the address displayed in your results, and the Property Identifier will show as "NA."

The PC data shown is just for the general area, not the specific address. It should not be used to rate a policy. 

Cant find a protection class-P2


If you see either of these results:

1. Double-check the address you entered, and try re-entering it.

2. If that doesn't work, contact our Customer Service team at 206-217-0101 or by clicking here. Our team will do additional research on the property to identify its correct location. We'll then provide you with a PC you can use to accurately rate the policy.

3. Please do not use a ZIP code to determine the PC for a property. PCs and ZIP codes do not align. Learn more in this Help Center article and in this blog post.


If the property is new construction, we will also update our system to include it.  


We're always striving to improve. If this article didn't answer your question, please let us know

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